A Publisher of "Intelligent Urban Fiction"

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In · tel · li · gence - Pronunciation[in-tel-i-juhns] – The capacity for learning, reasoning and understanding.

Established in 2005, Mind Candy, LLC is a multimedia company primarily focused on book publishing, the development of multidimensional characters and storylines as well as thought provoking screenplays. Readers of Mind Candy books can expect material that is not only entertaining, but of exceptional quality and substance. Another primary focus of Mind Candy is to discover and assist in the development of aspiring writers.   In 2006, Mind Candy released its first novel, Nan : The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones, which was penned by founder Moses Miller. Proudly proclaiming to be “Intelligent Urban Fiction,” Nan : The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones has received critical acclaim from avid readers, book clubs and critics worldwide.


M. Miller  - President
K. Porter  - Vice-President
R. Benton - Publicity and Community Affairs




Literacy Pays

Literacy experts say that the ability to read could be the single most accurate predictor of success in life. Research shows that people who have strong literacy skills are more likely to have higher self esteem, better health, better jobs and higher wages than those who don't have basic reading skills (Source: Grasmere Primary School).