A Publisher of "Intelligent Urban Fiction"

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sci · en · tist - Pronunciation (sî'ən-tĭst) – An individual that uses observation, identification, experimental investigation and theoretical analysis to creatively explore beneath the surface.

Moses Miller is an author, journalist and co-founder of Mind Candy, LLC, which is a company focused on book publishing and the development of creative and thought provoking screenplays. A native New Yorker, Moses exhibits the uncanny ability to capture the pulse of the streets with intelligence, strong character development and well thought out storylines. In the past, he has contributed articles and written for various websites and publications including The Voice, Newsday and 88HIPHOP.COM where he is currently the Editor in Chief of content. He holds a Bachelors degree in Business Management and a Masters of Science degree in Technology Management obtained from Polytechnic University .  His first novel, Nan: The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones has received critical acclaim from critics, readers and book clubs around the world. Moses released his second novel, Once Upon A Time in Harlem, through a joint venture with F.E.D.S. magazine. He will also release the second installment in the Nan series, The Game of Trife through his company Mind Candy, LLC in the second quarter of 2008.



Literacy Pays

Adults living in the United States who were not fluent in English, primarily immigrants who arrived at age 12 or older with low levels of formal education, were less likely to be employed, and earned lower wages when they were employed, than individuals who were fluent and literate in English.